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Hello and welcome to the NO RULES RIDERS, RAVENS chapter site, we are a riding club based out of Schenectady N.Y.  We are a chapter that was created by me Shawn Mahoney, after joining the world wide NRR.           Our original founder, Mike Kemmeries from n.carolina, Created the club in 1999 for people who love to ride. Its an organization for all motorcycle riders.    we are not a motorcycle club, and we do not claim any territory. and we dont have any alliances. we are neurtal. If you dont like freedom you wont like us.                                                                                              There are no dues. we are an independant riding club, And the names of the chapters are by no means meant to infringe upon established motorcycle clubs.                                                                              The mission of NRR is to have a motorcycle riding club that people can be a part of without dealing with the politics and infrastructure of traditional riding groups or clubs. to have a group of people who will ride free wherever and whenever they choose. its not for the timid or weak and not for the  bad ass who has something to prove,Its for the people who want to ride free.                                                                               So if you think you want to be a part of the NRR RAVENS.    Contact me to talk more about joining and adding you to the list of over 3000 members world wide. and you can also visit no rules  and see the many chapters. and the pictures that have been posted. hope to hear from you soon so you can join us in some events we will be attending this thank you and ride safe.




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